miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009


Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

In order to be happy you don't need to acquire success, you first have to find happiness so you can be successful, as long as you love what you're doing.

I have quite a good example for this, once again making the analogy with dancing.

The other day I was talking with my brother and I was telling him that lately I had been feeling I sucked at dancing, that I couldn't do it as I wished, and that it was not easy for me, sometimes got frustrated at it also, or felt I probably just quit and so something else I might be good at. But he told me I was not trusting myself, and that it didn't matter If I thought I was not capable of doing it, but how much I wanted it and how much it made me happy to do it. '' I have a confession to make'' he said: '' I suck at videogames, and yet I chose to be a Bachelor of Game Art and Design, I have a rough time doing my job, since I found it so difficult for me, but nevertheless I enjoy it every time, cause it's my passion, and what I love. This is a challenge for me cause every time I get better at it, and I forget how difficult it is for me, cause I lose track of the time when I work at it.''

This made me realize that even if I was not born for dancing and it's not that easy for me, it doesn't mean I can't learn how to improve. As long as I'm doing what I love I'll do it with joy. Also my devotion and persistence will make me better at it. So, there's no reason to quit for something you're not good at, as long as you really want it and love it.

Never let others tell you what you cannot do.

We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams. we are the dancers, we create the dreams.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009


What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back.

There are times when you just want to give up, when you think you've had enough and there's no hope at all. Times when you feel the whole world came crashing down on you. But the day you thought you'd never get through, you did. Time is the best medicine they say, and it's not precisely to forget, but to forgive and let go. Life experiences have proved me that this is so true, I used to ask myself when is it gonna end? People used to tell me...time...time, is the only effective medicine.

Everyone can have big problems in life, but as we're not dying there's nothing we can't fight, nor nothing impossible, except death. In cases of breakups, a tragic loss, a divorce, a fight, each and every time we can bounce back. And someone once told me they could be challenges from god, not to prove him, but ourselves what we're capable of. To set ourselves goals in life, because without this there would be no purpose, and life would have no sense or meaning.

In my case, dancing is my way out, is when I can get out every feeling I've been keeping, I can also be myself and besides it's a healthy excersice. For me it's like the air that I breath. And throughout my life I've encountered that it has helped me in my personal relationship and with others.

Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another.


Do what you feel in your heart to be right , for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Eleanor Roosevelt.

Just be yourself, and follow your heart. We are the only ones who lose If we don't., since we'll be criticized anyway. We can be the change we wish to see, as long as we have the courage to make that change. We can't accomplish this by imitating others, or trying to be part of a group. No one who tries to change you can be considered a friend, cause then, when do we have the time to show people what we can be?

The set of qualities that influence an individual behavior , uniqueness and character patterns are the words that describe the term personality.

We can't let the environment, or the culture influence our personality. As an example, I've been told I'm not a good dancer, but that's just who I am and what I love to do and it completes me. If I'd stop, I'd most probably be miserable. And why would I stop for someone else, If I don't dance for the people, but for myself. Who knows? practice and persistence makes perfect.

Work, like you don't need the money. Love, like you've never been hurt. And dance, like no one's watching. =D